
Life is not a competition, especially if you are living for an audience of one! (God)

yapikachi ithica tawina kambala

I met Yapika on Instagram, I was actually quiet surprised when she followed me because she had a big account and mine was relatively small. We eventually started talking, about what? I cannot recall, but our friendship was fast.I cannot stress enough how shocked I was that this popular ray of sunshine wanted to be MY friend. One thing that was immediately obvious, though, was her authenticity. She wasn’t being nice to be nice; she was genuinely interested and engaged in our interactions.

Yapika quickly took on a big sister role in my life. My businesses? She supported those; my blog? subscribed; my posts? read and shared.


I remember when I went back to university, she offered invaluable advice and hands-on assistance with my assignments. Often, when people find out that I do not have a degree, they are taken aback, and they treat me a little differently. But not Yapi. I remember when I told her, her face lit up. She was genuinely excited for me, and she went on a spirited tangent about my career trajectory and about all the opportunities that awaited me. Because of her, I no longer faced the next four years with apprehension but rather with curious excitement.

To me, Yapikachi was a shining beacon—a glorious embodiment of everything I aspire to be. The degrees, the career, the love, the life, the beauty, the wisdom, and the tenderness. All of which were solely for God’s glory.

In her honor, I can only try to emulate the life she led. I can cultivate meaningful relationships on social media, be intentional in my friendships, listen more patiently, extend my time and experience to those who come after me, and most importantly, I can lead with kindness.

Like me, Yapika was a blogger; you can read her transformative words here.


I am eternally grateful that we crossed paths in this lifetime. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

Love, Xa


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Xara, is a Malawian based Travel Entrepreneur, Author, Undergrad student and Cat mom. On this blog – xaralately- She shares confidence tips for women, eateries she loves, affordable travel destinations in Malawi and all things intimate about her life.

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