

So I have decided to be unbearably honest in this post because I need it and I’m hoping someone might find it useful.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been around. The last post on this website is from May 2022, my social media presence has been sporadic and I barely respond to messages. The reason for that is that I have been reclusively fighting for my life for the better part of 2022-2023. I don’t know how to say this but I have been battling clinical depression and it has been the most corrosive and debilitating chapter of my life.

Unfortunately because of genetic predisposition, a gazillion traumas, chronic stress, etcetera it almost feels inevitable that I found myself in this predicament. I do not yet have the strength to write in detail about my journey seeking and accessing medical intervention and psychotherapy – but I will in time, in the hopes that it will save a life like it did my own.

It brings me to tears thinking about the time I went through the worst of it. How my friends held me, how my doctors listened patiently, how my elders prayed for me. I am only alive today because of their tireless and constant love and dedication towards me. I don’t know how I could ever repay them.

The fact that I am even able to write this – albeit through sobs- is a testament to how much better I am doing, it is astonishing – truly.

As I emerge from this darkness, I would like to be more open about my life experiences and how I navigate/d them. I believe my story is unique and girls like me rarely find the resources they need to pull through (trust me – I have looked). I apologise to all my readers who enjoy my travel and restaurant reviews as I will be putting those on hold for a while.

I deeply feel the need to open up and be the person I needed when I was 15, otherwise it will all have been for nothing.

Okay, that was heavy – hope to talk soon.

Love, Xa


  1. ♥️ This, it’s so heartfelt and touching on so many levels. Rooting for you always.

    1. Was looking for your new content a while back and I wondered why the silence. You do not need to apologize for anything. Wishing you healing, love and sending all the hugs in the world. Take all the time you need hun. We will always be here❤️

      1. Thank you for your kind words honey, I am taking it one day at a time. I will return stronger ❤

  2. Wish you a speedy recovery. Take your time and take thinks one step at a time. The blogging community appreciates your valuable contribution and wishes you divine health.

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Xara, is a Malawian based Travel Entrepreneur, Author, Undergrad student and Cat mom. On this blog – xaralately- She shares confidence tips for women, eateries she loves, affordable travel destinations in Malawi and all things intimate about her life.

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