
Hi my love,

Happy new year. I was not planning on writing anything until march because honestly, I feel like I have nothing worth saying. But here I am unravelling before you today because that has changed (hooray?).

The first thing on the agenda is to tell you that I am tired, always tired. I work 6 days a week, I am participating in a training with Art Glo for an NGO I cofounded, I am building 3 businesses, I am working as a content creator for Zani Deals and I am writing a book of essays. And while I like to keep busy, I do hope things settle down a little by mid year because I have no intentions of being a super woman forever.

Photo by Edward Jenner on Pexels.com

The second and most obvious thing for me to do is to address the pandemic to which I have lost an uncle and a friend from high school. The worst thing about losing people to covid19 for me, has been the inability to congregate and mourn. I missed my uncle’s funeral in Lilongwe because he was buried within 3 hours of his passing, the amount of time it would have taken me to get there from Blantyre. And not to mention we are discouraged from attending Covid funerals (for good reason). And so I sit alone with the grief and try to cope as best as I can.

I also try to cope with the anxiety of expecting bad news everyday, the worry of unknowingly infecting the people I care about and not to mention the fact that I can barely function when mere acquaintances get admitted to isolation centers. It’s too much and it’s hard to stay positive when the gnawing sensation in the pit of my stomach never ceases. But I know there is nothing else to do but to see this through.

The woods are dark and scary, but the only way out is through.

Tod Chavez – Bojack Horseman

In spite of how bleak life is right now. I have grand plans for 2021. I have never had as much drive as I do this year and am already half way close to achieving most of my goals and it’s only February. That being said here are my 2021 goals.

Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com
  1. Buy my first car
  2. Buy a camera and revisit all the places I’ve written about. I really want to improve the media on this website.
  3. Grow my mailing list. I don’t see myself becoming a social media maven anytime soon, but I believe the work I put into this website (developing it and creating content) deserves a wider audience. And I think this is the way to do it. My current goal is 1,000 newsletter subscribers.
  4. Finish and publish my second book.
  5. Make more money as a content creator (this is for a my ego and for validation)

I know anything is possible and I will check everything off this list as long as I remain dedicated.

To close off, I would like to thank everyone that has already joined my mailing list. I want to thank the people who take the time to give me feedback on my content, it means the whole world to me. I am also grateful to you dear reader, for clicking the links to this website – again and again- wherever you find them.

And with that, I wish you the best and grandest year ever. May all your dreams come true🥂

All my love,


Before you go, consider bringing me a step closer to my goals by subscribing to my quarterly newsletter ❤


  1. Love this post, Xara. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss you’ve experienced. This is such a terrible time and I just want to extend my well-wishes & encourage you to keep killing it 🥰

      1. The depth of the content on here is amazing! I literally spent most of my free time this afternoon reading all the articles, started with the travem ones but somehow I ended up getting deep into the skin care routine one too lol.

        Definitely subbed to the mailing list.

        Top notch stuff, keep it up xara!

        1. Thank you for subscribing and it’s so sweet of you to leave a comment. I hope to keep creating content that you love. See you around ❤️

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Xara, is a Malawian based Travel Entrepreneur, Author, Undergrad student and Cat mom. On this blog – xaralately- She shares confidence tips for women, eateries she loves, affordable travel destinations in Malawi and all things intimate about her life.

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